FESC - Facultad de Estomatología de Santiago de Cuba
FESC stands for Facultad de Estomatología de Santiago de Cuba
Here you will find, what does FESC stand for in Hospital under Medical category.
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How to abbreviate Facultad de Estomatología de Santiago de Cuba? Facultad de Estomatología de Santiago de Cuba can be abbreviated as FESC What does FESC stand for? FESC stands for Facultad de Estomatología de Santiago de Cuba. What does Facultad de Estomatología de Santiago de Cuba mean?Facultad de Estomatología de Santiago de Cuba is an expansion of FESC
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Alternative definitions of FESC
- Frente Estudiantil Social Cristiano
- Fry Eye Surgery Center
- Fromm Electric Supply Corp
- Facility Engineering Services Corp
- Freedom Electrical Sales Company
- Fractal Energy Storage Consultants
- Farmers Elevator and Supply Co
View 9 other definitions of FESC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FEVC Facultad de Estomatología de Villa Clara
- FERGS Facultad de Estomatología Raúl González Sánchez
- FSP Facultad de Salud Pública
- FGH Famagusta General Hospital
- FPASU Faculty of Pharmacy - Ain Shams University
- FFLRDH Fortis Flt. Lt. Rajan Dhall Hospital
- FH Fortis Hospital